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BCO Workshop - Technology Week

Yesterday was a really interesting day!! Everyone in 3rd 4th 5th and 6th class walked down to Blackrock Castle at 9:00 from St.Micheals.N.S.It is not too far and took about 20 minutes.

We tried to design a street light that had a cover on the top so you can see the “Dark Sky”. We worked in groups to get more ideas for the design and then we tested it out.Street lights that are not well designed cause light pollution. We also looked into space with “Stellarium”which was amazing. We looked at the sky in the future.

We learned alot about space and pollution, we also learned about Blackrock Castle and that pirates invaded Ireland.

We got a good view of the telescope that is used to see into other universes.

We saw a 10 minute movie about light pollution and the “Dark Sky” inside in the planetarium.

After climbing loads of steps to the top of the castle .We got to look of the edge of one of the towers.

Caoimhin explained to us about the parties and how they had to rebuild the walls a lot because of 2 fires, and people firing corks of whiskey at the walls.

By the way, a king or queen never lived in the castle!!!!

By the way a king or queen never lived in the castle !!!

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